Guaranteed RAM in VPS Servers
If you get a VPS server from our company, you will have a allocated amount of RAM readily available always. We set up the VPS accounts on powerful hardware nodes with no shortage of physical memory, so once a new virtual server is created, the RAM is assigned completely to it in accordance with the particular features of the particular plan. We never re-allocate RAM from a VPS which does not use all of its system resources to one that needs more resources, so you will be able to use the functions of your package at their full capacity all of the time. We create only a few VPS accounts on a physical server and we ensure that it provides a sufficient amount of memory to enable all the customers on it to upgrade the RAM that their hosting servers are using without affecting the other accounts.
Guaranteed RAM in Dedicated Servers
The amount of RAM included with every dedicated server we supply is large enough even for quite resource-demanding web applications. The memory shall be readily available for your sites and every other software which you install on the server at all times, so even if at some point you use just a fraction of the system resources that you have, we'll never alter the hardware configuration you have ordered. All of the components are tested before the machine is assembled, including the RAM sticks, to guarantee that you will get a flawlessly operating web server that will guarantee the best possible performance for your websites. The amount of physical memory you have will be listed along with the full web server configuration specifications in your billing Control Panel.